Upcoming fixtures

GBWR Fours Nationals TBC
Fours Nationals is an amazing event for the teams from Division One and Two. Held over a bank holiday weekend Hawks will have officials present and perhaps even a team!
Looking forward to return to Nottingham and the brilliant venue of Wildcats Arena

Allied Mobility Fours: Division One T3
Division One final tournament this season. Who will be the number #1 out of 8 teams entered. First time the Fours competition will be visiting Sunderland after WR5s visited last season. Will be quite the trek up there for the Hawks officials and team is any attend.

Wheelchair Rugby Fours: Division Three T2
Second tournament of Division Three. Looking forward to seeing the newer players have their moment to shine.

Allied Mobility Wheelchair rugby Fours Division Two T3
The final tournament for Division Two as we return to Aylesbury and Stoke Mandeville Stadium.
Who will emerge victorious and gain promotion to Division One next season.

Allied Mobility Wheelchair Rugby Fours: Division One T2
Second tournament for Division One sees Wheelchair Rugby move to Fenton Manor in Stoke on Trent.
Hawks officials will no doubt be present at this event keeping everything in order. We would love to see some Hawks support.

WR5s Nationals Cup and Shield Competition
This is the first time WR5s discipline will have its dedicated own Nationals. The competition will be held at Stoke Mandeville the home of the Paralympics over a full weekend. With two simultaneous competitions the Cup and the Shield.
Games will be played using the Paralympic discipline timings, 4 x 8min quarters, with a stopping clock. All other 5s rules will stay the same.
12 teams are due to take part with those finishing highest ranked having first refusal of entry. Unfortunately for Hawks it looks like we will be cheering the teams on from the sideline. But as ever our Officials will be ever present to make sure the event runs well.
We wish all the teams entering the best of luck and look forward to trying to take part next year!

Allied Mobility Wheelchair Rugby Fours: Divison Two T2
Second tournament of Division Two takes place at a new location for wheelchair rugby. Pond Fordge Sheffield. It is great to see the sport reach new audiences.
Hawks officials will be attending this event.

Allied Mobility Wheelchair Wheelchair Rugby Fours: Division One T1
The first tournament for Division One which Hawks are definding champions takes place at Stoke Mandeville Stadium.
Hawks officials will definitely be present to keep things in order. The question on everyone’s lips is which divisions will Hawks enter this season as we look to the future!

Allied Mobility Wheelchair Rugby Fours: Division Two T1
GBWR 2024/2025 Fours season starts with Division Two. The opening event taking place at the home of the Paralympics in the UK Stoke Mandeville.
Hawks officials will definitely be present to keep things in order. The question on everyone’s lips is which divisions will Hawks enter this season as we look to the future!

Wheelchair Rugby at the Paris Paralympics 2024
While we await the team annoucement as to who has been selected, tickets have already been purchased by Hawks players to go and suppport Team GB.
More information about GB matches will be added closer to the time.

WR5s 2024 Tournament Three
WR5s Tournament Three
It is the final tournament of the WR5s 2024 season.
Hawks are playing on Saturday in Division Two.
For scores of the games please see the Tournify link

National Festival of Rugby
National Festival of Rugby - Fours players
Hawks will be of to Nottingham to take on the top finishing divsion one teams to attempt to win the Festival Cup.
This event takes place over two days and expectations are high after Hawks success in Division One this season.
Game scores will be updated on tournify and the link will appear here soon.
wr5s 2024 tournament two
WR5s Tournament Two
The Hawks are on the road to Stoke Mandeville Stadium for the second 5s tournament.
After Sunderland this is a welcome short journey of about 4 hours for our players as we look to build on the results from tournment one.
The 5s competition has four leagues taking part over two days. Hawks will play on the Saturday in Division Two.
Scores will be updated on tournify with the link added below soon.

Fours: Divsion One tournament three
Allied Mobility Wheelchair Rugby Fours: Division One Tournament Three
The Hawks will finish the 2023/2024 Division One season at home for the first time. Hawks are currently leading the standings after two tournaments and are unbeaten.
We hope that this perfect run continues over the final weekend as seven other teams aim to beat us.
Spectators are more than welcome with free entry.

South west development league
Location: Life Centre
West Country Hawks are hosting round one of the South West Development League. The tournament will see players from Hawks compete against Endeavour Punishers and Celtic Warriors from Cornwall.
The development league is designed for players who do not get much court time to get competion experience. It also allows newer officials the opportunity to learn to officiate in a friendly, more relaxed environment. If you wish to learn to officate please contact The Hawks.
The event is free to watch and Spectators are welcome. We look forward to a great day of competition.

Quad nations 2024
Quad Nations 2024
Quad Nations is back and is an event for GB who will face France, Japan and USA over two days of intense competition.
Two of our members have been selected to officiate at this international competition.
WR5s 2024 Tournament One
Location: Beacon of Light, Sunderland
West Country Hawks are on the road with a mammoth trip to Sunderland to take part in GBWR WR5s 2024 season.
This is the first of three national competitions for the WR5s players.
This 2024 season Hawks are in Division Two and so will play on Saturday.
For more information please see the tournify link. This will be updated with scores thorughout the day.